its the end of the day


















&a little note

It's been awhile since all my blogskin making, so I know this is a tad tacky :P but love it hate it, its personal so shhhh :).


'Hi, my name is Taylor :)
It's currently 2.43am and I've JUST finished coding this blog, so I will edit this later!


No. You can't bitch here LOL.. yet ;D


coming soon!


coming soon!






























This skin was partly coded  by vintage.veggie.
Image used was edited and a phototaken by ME :).

x x x









Sunday, November 12, 2006

yesssterday was so sucky ==. I suck seriously, I lost and I so dont belong in classics. I had a hit with Jess and Channii toO. Anywaaaaay, in the arvo, I was talking to Jason on msn around like 1pm or something and said something about the beecroft primary skoOl multiculturan fair and I chucked a spaz and stuff called Ming Jen and my dad and ended up getting picked up by ming jen in 45 minutes.. >< Later we met Trevor and Jason yadayadayada .. yerhyerhyerh whatever. And ate food, went on one ride except Jason went on two with someone special xP and saw Anita, Grace, Lydia. Bought drinks, got squirted with water by Dani, squirted Trevor and Jason in the face with water gun and bought cupcakes and eventually ate one ==.

Right now I'm like, sick, I had a nosebleed, and I had cramps and my ankle still hurts from yesterday TT___TT. Meh.

xx, kiskis

8:24 PM








Monday, November 06, 2006

fukk everything..

luff yoOh big bro and ming jen..

4:55 PM








Friday, November 03, 2006

trAlahLahH.. bell rings in 3 minutes and moni is right next to me ^^ so.. yerhh.. and played bubble bobble. wow, what a short post.

xx, kis kis

3:07 PM








Thursday, November 02, 2006


* What time is it now?: 10.03
* What is your full name?: Taylor Zhao?
* Single or taken?: taken xP (oii ming jen)
* Do you have any nicknames?: uhh Tay? Taiiz.. tail.. Oo".
* What size are your shoes?: uhh my school shoe size is 9 right now..
* How tall (or short) are you?: 1.65m
* What do you always get complimented on?: nothing?
* What are the last four digits of your phone? 8229
* You think you're cute?: HELL NO. O_O
* Hair colour?: not black.. one fkkn yellow strand.. seriously
* Do you wear contacts?: yepp.. night contacts;; orthrok treatment.
* Living Arrangements?: parents, second uncle and me.

* Favourite Drink?: creaming soda but dont drink regularly.
* Favorite alcoholic drink?: oh, totally VB ==''
* Favourite month?: janruary..
* Favourite Food(s)?: russian soup =DD
* Favourite Computer Game?: bubble bobble!! ><
* Favourite clothing brand(s)?: eh,who has one?
* Favourite type of clothing?: jumper ^^
* Favourite day of the Year?: 28/12 - not a typo.
* Favourite colour(s)?: black, light pink && light grey. sometimes red. -shrug-
* Favourite animal?: crocodile.. ahh iim so strange..

* Do u have more boy or girl friends?: girls probably.
* Are your parents together? they aren't really talking to each other right now.. but yerhh
* How often do you get together with the family?: once in awhile.. kinda.. not really..
* Do you tell your parents or your friends more?: friends..
* Anything special about your parents?: if there is, ii havent noticed.

~*YES OR NO or maybe or whatever you want*~
* You're a flirt?: huh? X_X
* You're slutty? HUH? X_X
* You're mean? occasionally..
* You can keep secrets?: mhm =)
* You dance in front of the mirror? no.
* You sing in the shower?: ii cant sing if my lyyf depended on it.
* You've seriously hurt someone?: uhh yehh..
* You willing to try new things?: not really, sometimes.
* you cheated on a test?: uhhuh.

* What are you wearing?: pjs.
*What are you listening to?: HIM - Wings Of A Butterfly
* What are you feeling?: staying up all night
* What are you eating?: nothing
* How many ppl r online?: 32
* How's the weather?: rainy. ii finkk..

* How many lip glosses do you have?: 3.
* what perfume do you wear?: on rare occasions.. chanel (my mums xP)
* What's in your purse?: coins, notes, cards, photos && reciepts.
* tall or short boys?: taller than ii am? Oo".
* Blonde or brunette?: eh?
* short hair on boys?: probably better than a ponytail..
* Piercings on boys?: -shrug- please not a belly button piercing.. O_O
* Good or bad guys?: not a full on goodie goodie and not a full on drunk ==''
* What do you find annoying in a guy?: trying to impress..
* What's the first thing you notice about boys?: uhh..

* What kind of after shave do you use?:
* Whats in your pockets?:
* Boxers or briefs?:
* Blonde or brunette girls?:
* Piercings on girls?:
* Long or short hair on girls?:
* Good or bad girls?:
* What do you find annoying in girls?:
* What's the first thing you notice about girls?:

* What was the last movie you saw?: step up ^^
* What did you have for dinner?: rice..
* What are you hoping for?: good yearly results O_O
* What did you last dream about?: falling in love..~
* What was the last thing you ate?: umm.. cake..
* If you were a crayon what colour what would you be?: the four coloured IKEA ones..
* Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: MING JEN XD
* Do you like the person who you got it from? AH NAHH.
* Are you too shy to ask someone out?: lyyfs about taking risks.. possibly.
* Scary movies or happy ending?: scary movies ^^
* Summer or winter?: spring.. or autumn..
* Relationships or one night stands?: fukkn relationships DUH
* Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate..
* Anything else you want to add?: not really..


10:29 PM








Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy 15th Fucking Birthday Trevor!! wh00twh00t =DD
Your stupid lil sister is lyyk still 12. Meh, hope yoOh had a nice day? And your friends are seriously scary.. lyyk ii expected.

Anyway, I'm sorry Code, Linday, and Shushy, but I seriously just can't do Nanowrimo this year. I can't, and don't make me. Theres so much going on and lyyf seriously seriously seriously sucks. Everything is fucked up right now.

Oh, to /yoOh/ out there.. luff yoOh, get better soOn.. missing yoOh lots toO ^^

What a short post.

xx, kis kis

10:28 PM