its the end of the day


















&a little note

It's been awhile since all my blogskin making, so I know this is a tad tacky :P but love it hate it, its personal so shhhh :).


'Hi, my name is Taylor :)
It's currently 2.43am and I've JUST finished coding this blog, so I will edit this later!


No. You can't bitch here LOL.. yet ;D


coming soon!


coming soon!






























This skin was partly coded  by vintage.veggie.
Image used was edited and a phototaken by ME :).

x x x









Saturday, April 05, 2008

I am so fucking tired =(. I have a cold, and still cramping up! I miss tsg muchly. And Andrew of course (: . Thank goodness I've finished music assingment, but fuck I have so much freaking maths to do and this English representation assingment left. Holidays are creeping closer, and I cannot wait. I wish the house would finish faster =(. Today Andrew and I were on the phone for like hours, watching the last two episodes of Friends together! What an enjoyable time it was, and I pretty much cried when Rachel had to leave for Paris!!! Anyways short post, sorry to Daniel, I didn't turn up today and couldn't txt or call or anything I feel really bad I'm sorry. Same goes with team and basketball training, sorry didnt make it. Still sick *sigh*, I feel all crapped up. But moving on, much love, xx - tay. =]

7:25 PM